To know more about our family business, you have to start with our crew…


CEO / Captain

Hi all, Pau on board ready to sail you. Young boat expertise and love sailing and being free.

«From my very young age I always dreamed of being a yacht captain, some years later, my dream is coming true»


CEO / Manager

Hey sailors, this is Albert, engineer, young traveller who loves sports, people and technology.

«I can’t imagine myself not running my own business, so here I am, presenting BlueHorizonBarcelona»


CEO / Customer Service

Hola a tots! Angels here, teacher and travel lover.

«Details are the most important thing when sharing experiences, therefore we would care of all them»


CEO / Legal

All sirs, this is legal Oscar, lawyer and who will take care of all of you.

«Having a business scares me, but we have develeoped this new family one with all of our effort!